On January 19, 2018, at the John Paul II Theatre, the San Vitores Chapter of the Spanish Honor Society inducted eleven members into the society, welcoming them to spread the culture and language of Spanish society for both the school community and the island. The ceremony itself was presided over by the Spanish NHS Chapter’s Advisor, Sra. Angie Lomeli with Ronald Lin, the Secretary of the Chapter giving a history of the society, its mission and importance as we the San Vitores Chapter serves to Father Dueñas Memorial School. The eleven candidates were inducted with a candle lighting ceremony in which they recited the Spanish poem “Excelsior!” “All Together!” or “Todos a Una”, which is the motto of the society, led by Vice-President of the Chapter Jacob San Nicolas leading the recitation of the poem and President RJ Ubaldo detailing the importance of their candles. The eleven sophomores that were inducted into the San Vitores Chapter are: Isaiah Alvendia, Roen Brantley, Raymond Castro, Ron Coloma, Alexander Hernandez, Caleb Laserna, Isaiah Pelkey, Augusto Sablan III, Jose San Nicolas, Christian Taitano and Vicente Taijeron. Each new inductee along with current members recited the oath of the Spanish Honor Society and each new inductee received their certificates, membership card and pinned by Mrs. Christina Mantanona while shaking hands with the Principal of the school, Mr. Tony Thompson welcoming them into the San Vitores Chapter. At the closing of of the ceremony Ethan Storie, a member of the society congratulated the new inductees and the chapter’s new members and their families received a light refreshment. This induction ceremony of members of the San Vitores Chapter simply warrants further tradition as our society here grows not only for FDMS, but for the island of Guam, as these young men will help promote the values of their continued learning not only of the Spanish language, but also its culture and values ¡Felicitaciones! Congratulations!