From November 17 to November 21, fourteen Japanese students from Gyosei School will travel outside their comfort zone and live with a local family. Families for the Father Duenas community have voluentered to open their homes to host these high school students. Aside from practicing thier english proficiency, these students want to expirence a different culture.
The high school students from Osaka, Japan, will shadow thier host counter parts. The students have a hectic schedule filled with attending and participating in school. partaking in after school activities and enjoying evening familial functions. This exposure to a local family will broden their view of western society.
Seventeen year old, Haruki Hamade, who wants to become a english teacher plans to use this expirience to practice his english. He also wants to partake in extra curricular activites such as basketball and soccer. Lastly, aside from this being his first trip to Guam, as well as his first trip outside from Japan, Haruki wants to thank his host family for the memories he has made.