Dear Friars,
2016 is here! Another milestone to challenge ourselves to be the very best we can be in many areas of our lives. The human spirit and physique are both endowed with unlimited wonders for us to discover. This school year has been a very successful season for our FD community, and we give thanks and praise to God for the efforts of many people - our collective teamwork - that propelled us to reach seemingly unattainable goals.
More important than our achievements is the realization that each person in our community, withour exception, is unique and special in the eyes of God. The daily challenge for us is to give each person the same respect that God has for every individual. It can be difficult to do that especially when we see a person 24/7, yet it can be done. Let us begin this year right by first respecting ourselves as made in the image and likeness of God, then second we can extend this positive treatment to those we love, those we work and play with on a daily basis. God bless you always. You are loved.