The month of March is a very busy time for all of us at school. This week you ought to be studying for the 3rd Quarter Exams and pushing yourselves to forge ahead with excellence. Also at the same time you are rehearsing songs and mastering choreography to put on a show for Songfest 2016. You have indeed surpassed expectations in the sporting arena with back-to-back championship victories.
In my past two years at FDMS, I have seen you push yourselves to balance academic, social and athletic responsibilities. You have my admiration for always following through whatever is demanded of you. I do wish at times that many of you do not have to procrastinate by waiting at the last minute to complete requirements. The key, as in any endeavor, is to plan and effectively implement your plan. Tie up any loose ends that might bite you towards the end. I wish you the best as we round out a very successful schoolyear at the beginning of the final quarter.
I want to remind you, students, that you are required to submit at least 20 community service/leadership hours prior to the final exams. Your Theology teachers should already have approved and recorded any completed hours. This is a requirement that will be checked. If you have completed the hours, it is best that you submit to your Theology teachers and get it out of the way. Somewhere on this website is also the Feed25 Project which will conclude at our school Mass on 17 March. Your participation will be credited as part of the service hours. I suggest that you pay attention to Alfred Bordallo and Leonard Calvo who are our points-of-contact. They will present this project over the next few days. Be well. You are loved, you are nourished. "The Lord Jesus made the deaf hear and the dumb speak, may the Lord touch your ears to receive His Word and your mouth to proclaim His Praise" for the glory of God the Father." Amen. Respectfully, Father Efren