Financial assistance is available to qualified families with the amount of the award being dependent upon the resources available. While not all students who qualify may receive financial aid awards, other assistance programs may be available to families who desire an FD education for their son.
FD offers tuition discounts for the male valedictorian and salutatorian from our local middle schools. The valedictory discount is 50% off of tuition each month. The salutatory discount is 25% off of tuition each month. With this discount, the fees are still to be paid according to the fee schedule. For details, please contact our office.
FD's financial assistance process is separate from our admission process. A student must be admitted into FD before his family may apply for financial assistance.
Financial Assistance Application Process
After receiving an acceptance letter to FD, a family may begin the necessary steps to applying for financial assistance at FD. Please contact the FD Administration Office for more information.
Scholarships that may be available:
The process for financial aid is managed either by the administration or the Endowment Foundation.