Father Dueñas Memorial School admits students of any race, color, national and ethnic origin, and extends all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.
Father Dueñas Memorial School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color or national and ethnic origin in administration of educational policies, loan programs, athletic programs or other school-administered programs.
Father Dueñas Memorial School may admit students who are not Catholic provided that these students will not displace Catholic students and that both students and parents clearly understand that participation in Catholic religious instruction and school activities related to the Catholic identity of the school is required.
2 Class Size
At Father Dueñas Memorial School, the student to teacher ratio is 15 to 1. This permits the teacher to spend more time with each student and teachers get to know the strengths and weaknesses of the students. Our teachers take a professional interest in each student’s development and academic achievement.
To maintain a quality education for the students attending Father Dueñas Memorial School, a conscientious effort is made by the administration to keep classes as small as possible with the consideration of the school’s financial and scheduling restraints.
3 Admissions Process
New Student Admissions Process
Based on the dignity and God-given worth of every individual, each applicant to Father Dueñas Memorial School deserves serious consideration as a potential recipient of this organization’s best efforts to provide a quality Catholic education for young men. Yet, the school’s physical plant, faculty, program of studies and guidance resources are essentially limited. Thus, out of a sense of justice, FDMS strive to select students who have the ability to complete the program successfully. Our admissions process can be divided into four stages: Inquiry, Application, Testing, and Decision
Offers of admission are contingent on documented successful completion of middle school scholastic requirements as well as records of behavior and attendance that meet the standards acceptable by the FDMS administration.
For perspective students seeking to transfer to FDMS in the middle of the school year, all provisions of the school’s admission policy apply but the time line may be adjusted to meet the needs of the student as well as the school.
Re-Admission Process for Former Students
Students who transferred out of Father Dueñas Memorial School and who later desire to return must reapply as a new student. (See section “New Student Admissions Process” above.)
4 Waiting List Policy
Students accepted to Father Dueñas Memorial School after a class has been filled will be placed on a waiting list. Should a vacancy occur in the class applied for, the family will be notified, so that any remaining steps in the registration procedure can be completed. A student must be formally accepted to Father Dueñas and the registration fee must be paid in order for a student to be placed on the waiting list. While on the waiting list, the registration fee is refundable. However, if a refund is given, the student will lose his place on the waiting list.
5 Tuition and Fees
Tuition is for the direct and actual cost of instruction. Annual tuition at FD for school year 2013-2014 is $5050.00. This does not include other applicable fees or expenses. To ease the burden, tuition is paid in ten (10) equal payments of $505.00 due on the fifteenth (15th) of each month from July through April. A late fee is charged for any payment received after the fifteenth (15th) of the month. Arrangements may be made for quarterly payments. All payments can be made in the form of checks, cash, credit cards, or other methods approved by the administration.
The business office receives and records tuition payments and other fees from students and parents.
Fees Due From All Students
The full Schedule of Fees is available from the business office or via www.fatherduenas.com. Unless otherwise specified elsewhere in this handbook, all fees are non-refundable. Some fees only apply to your son depending on his involvement in sports and co-curricular activities, or whether he drives to school, etc.
6 Tuition Delinquency Restrictions
The school makes sincere efforts to help make the students and parents aware of their financial obligations to FDMS when critically needed. However, all students who are in arrears in their tuition payments for more than two (2) months may be asked to withdraw from the school. If a student account becomes delinquent and the services of a collection agency becomes necessary, the parents will assume the cost of collection, legal fees and a seven percent (7%) interest charge on the unpaid amount.
Students who have arrears in tuition and other fees may be restricted from:
a. Quarter examinations and semester examinations;
b. On & off-island class trips;
c. Baccalaureate and Commencement participation;
d. Receiving Diploma
e. Registration for the following school year;
f. Or any other activity determined by the Administration
7 Transfers
When a student transfers to another school, it is necessary to make a formal transfer through the administration office. A Withdrawal Form must be completed and signed to document the handover of student records.
The principal may also request an exit interview with the parent(s) to inquire about their experience of Father Dueñas Memorial School and to understand the reason for the transfer.
If transfer occurs during the school year, all fees are non-refundable. Tuition is based on the amount of the school year that has elapsed, and a full month’s tuition is charged if the student attends four (4) full days of school within the month. All accounts with the school office must be settled before a transfer of student records can be completed. Delinquent accounts will delay the transfer process. Students who seek re-admission are advised that this will only be undertaken after consultation and at the discretion of the principal. Former students applying for re-admission must do so following the procedures of a new student.
8 Re-registration of Continuing Students
Students are not automatically registered from one year to the next.
“Re-registration” for 2014-2015 school year is from February 3, 2014 to April 4, 2014, inclusive. By re-registering during this two month period, your son will have the best opportunity to sign-up for elective classes, and the school will be best able to plan for the coming school year. During this re-registration period only a registration deposit of $50.00 is necessary to secure your son’s enrollment for the coming year.
Re-registration forms for continuing students will be mailed directly to parents on or before February 3, 2014. If you have not received your son’s individualized re-registration form by that date, please contact the administration office as soon as possible.
A registration deposit is considered as a commitment by the parent that the re-registered student will indeed be a student at Father Dueñas Memorial School the following school year. Therefore, Father Dueñas commits itself to reserve a seat, purchase books, and employ teachers based upon receipt of this registration fee.
The full registration fee for school year 2014-2015 is due as is detailed on the schedule of fees.